🚨 WARNING: Very Limited Spots Available - First come, First Serve!



Due to the nature of this Very Important Program and the attention required from our team, we only work with a select group of Very Important People at any given time...

I noticed a change in how I saw myself after our first session. The sensations are subtle and deep: feelings of calm and courage expressed through me. I have a stronger connection to myself and a renewed sense of curiosity, courage, and conviction. 

Carlos's coaching has helped me in a way no words can express. I worked with Carlos on developing a balance on my work/life issues. I needed help with stress and anxiety; through a customized coaching plan, I was able to accomplish my goals.

Carlos's style is different from other coaches. He helped me to get real outcomes by implementing day-to-day steps and new processes. It's not just talking through issues but ideas and routines to put in place that help me accomplish my goals.

Attn: Kingdom Business Heroes...

"AT LAST! How To Build Successful Kingdom Business For A Living"

From The Desk Of: Carlos Vargas

Date: Wednesday, January 1, 2023

Subject: FINALLY, THE DOORS ARE OPENING... For a Limited Time...

Hello Friend,

If you want Start a Kingdom Building Business, Ministry or even if you just want to make more money to live the life of your dreams, then this opportunity is for you. This is the most important letter you'll ever read!

Let Me Tell You Why...

"We have over 727 inquiries for our kingdom business builders... EVERY WEEK. These are real business owners, entrepreneurs that want to launch their dream business but they need help doing it"

My name is Carlos Vargas, and I'm the CEO and co-founder of a company called LatinoFunnels...

Yes, I'm that guy on stage with the "two comma club" shirt with two great entrepreneurs who have built and taught me how to launch funnels successfully...

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What many people don't know is that... 

Daily 1000s of people try different tools to transform their dreams into reality ...

Many make it...

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But a lot of them, are still trying...

You want to know a little secret...

That problem drives me insane...

So I asked my successful coaching friends a question...

"Hey Professional Coach

Let me ask you a question...

You suddenly lose all your money, along with your name and reputation, and only have your marketing know-how left.

You have bills piled high and people harassing you for money over the phone.

Plus, you have a guaranteed roof over your head, a phone line, an internet connection, and a LatinoFunnels account for only one month.

You no longer have your big guru name, your following, or JV partners. Other than your vast marketing experience, you're an unknown newbie.

What would you do, from day 1 to day 30, to save

- Carlos Vargas

I Wanted To Learn EXACTLY What They Would Do To Get Back Their Success...

What would you do about Day 3, then 4, 5, 6, and so all the way to their first month? 

I didn't know if anyone would even want to open my email... but minutes after sending my email... I started to get responses back from my peps. 

The members of Kingdom Builders started to share their stories and how they moved thru those difficult moments. 

They had nothing, no team, no people, no email list, no website, no funnel, and no social media followers... and then what EXACTLY they decided to do. Their Signature Process or Step by Step process.

I was amazed... this were not quick one line email... they had detailed processes and strategies they used.

A lot of the responses made me laugh...

...And Other Emails Made Me Cry As I Remember With Them What Took Them To Move And Conquer Their Fears...

And Remembering What Each Of Them Did, And What They Learn To Do If They Needed To Start Over Again From Scratch!

Some started without a home...

Others in hated their 9-5 jobs…

And others were looking for something different.

We all ended in the same spot...On stage, with a "Gold Comma Club" award in their hands!

I have purchased or downloaded over 10,000 ebooks. Some crappy other literal masterpieces, but none share money-making wisdom like these emails!

One, Two, Three times, I read their 30-day plans to look for any "shenanigans." I thought that they spend money that your average "JOE/JANE" may not have or use some secret connections to get ahead.

But none of that... their frameworks were simple and authentic. Then I knew this was a gold mine I could not keep for myself. 

Everyone Who Has Ever Had A Funnel...

Needs These Kingdom Business Builder Blueprints.

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My first thought was, We could make a lot of Money with this... 

Each framework is worth thousands of dollars... 

But if I sell them, the people that needed them the most will not have access to them...

Then, I send an email back to each of my friends that responded...

And I Asked Share With Them A Crazy Idea...

Would You Teach This With Tribe... For Free? 

Would You Teach This With Tribe... For Free?

First, one of my friends responded in All Caps: 🤪 ARE YOU CRAZY - LOCO - DOIDO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then one responded:  I AM DOWN WITH IT 👊

And then another friend... Count Me In ❤️

And A Couple Of Days, EVERYONE OF THESE KINGDOM BUSINESS BUILDERS Agreed To Come On A Teach Their Framework!!!

So, WHO were the ones who were crazy enough to agree to help serve you at their HIGHEST level… so you can get limited-time access to these interviews!?!



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